Julie Valsangiacomo
8024 Zurich
Tel. : + 41 44 266 21 00
Fax : + 41 44 266 21 01
Julie Valsangiacomo studied law at the University of Basel (MLaw, summa cum laude). From 2017 to 2019 she was a trainee lawyer with TIMES Attorneys. From 2019 to 2021 she worked at the district court of Dietikon where she gained valuable experience in various fields of law, particularly in litigation. In summer 2021, she joined TIMES Attorneys again.
Julie Valsangiacomo advises clients in proceedings before authorities and courts and in arbitration proceedings. Her practice focuses primarily on intellectual property law and unfair competition law, in particular trademark law, copyright law, patent law, design law and unfair competition law. Her work also covers the worldwide filing of trademarks and designs. Other areas of practice include contract law as well as advertising law, media law, life sciences and data protection law.